Friday 2 January 2015

We're Calling It! The Trendiest Health Foods of 2015

We're Calling It! The Trendiest Health Foods of 2015
This just in: Kale is so 2014.
Actually, the king of all greens is still quite good for you, but E! News has the scoop from Dr. Frank Lipman, an Integrative & Functional Medicine Physician and founder of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, on other eats that will help kick your health into overdrive for the New Year. We're talking savory broths, sustainable proteins and fermented sides that are not just for hot dogs.
So this year, make sure to do your body right with foods that will nourish your digestive system, jumpstart your metabolism and make you feel, well, great. Read on for Dr. Lippman's picks below!
All About the Bone Broth - Full of healing nutrients collagen and gelatin, bone broth has justifiably been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. This increasingly popular superfood has made a comeback as of late, not only does it nourishes your digestive system, but because it also reduces inflammation, promotes healthy skin and increases the bio-availability of nutrients.
Cauliflower's the New Kale - Due to its white color, cauliflower is often misperceived as lacking in nutrition, however, this cruciferous vegetable packs a powerful punch! Cauliflower is particularly noted for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and digestive health benefits.
It's an excellent source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and folate. Cauliflower is great roasted, sautéed and these days my favorite way to prepare it is making
Go Grass Fed! - Grass-fed animal products pack a bigger nutritional punch than the standard issue factory-farmed, antibiotic-laced stuff. You'll find that grass-fed meats are higher in beta carotene (Vitamin A), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and Omega-3 fatty acids, which all help keep cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure in check.
Grass-fed products are also significantly lower in fat, cholesterol and calories. Better yet, grass-fed is virtually free from the threat of E. coli outbreaks – another major plus for meat-eaters.  Check out the American Grass-fed Association  to find grass-fed producers in your area.

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